Saturday, April 23, 2011

E-Session | Gabrielle + Stephen

Rain! That's what the forecast read. Cloudy with rain as the photo-shoot day drew nearer. Variable clouds with 60% chance of showers on that morning prior to the shoot. What a nail biter this is.
However Gabrielle & Stephen were good sport and we went to our location by faith... praying that for some divine miracle it will be dry. And it was. Meanwhile other parts of town were experiencing spring showers, our location at Granville Island was dry as a bone! 

I really enjoy taking their spontaneity to dance across the urban industrial section of the island. No cars ftw!
Sometimes one just have to stand back and let it the scene happen. Gabrielle & Stephen was a great couple. They really enjoyed the afternoon. Click! Click!


Victor Saidov said...

Lovely session! You did a great job capturing the beauty of the couple! They are lucky to have you as their photographer! Can't wait to see the wedding pics!

Anne + Alwin said...

Thanks Victor!